Review of Kaizen

Kaizen (2024)
What Great Documentary it is from Inoxtag Youtuber
15 September 2024
I following inoxtag for 6 years ago right now and he is one most famous YouTuber from france but today he is definitely the most talented ever !!!!

First to all this documentary it is so perfect you see every thing who can do a great documentary like; beautiful pictures, beautiful story and beautiful message and for a first " cinema project " Inoxtag was on fire cause we know everything about the journey the debuts and the movie end of the project, the first thought of each size who will be involving, the bad moments and good moments with absolutely not synopsis or something like every thing was real and do it at 22 years old, I think so you can say " my life it's not cool " if you got 30 or 40 years old ahaaa !!

You follow every feeling, all issues during the journey like if you was involved in the travel it was crazy, show the moment to give up and moment to be back in order to achieve the objective and show the background and all the preparation of project !!!!

This documentary it's very inspirational, emotional and too wonderful, with a lot messages from inoxtag about achieve dreams in life, I took pleasure during 2 hours and 20 minutes !!!

The directing was great, some shoots was very crazy I got the feeling that some shoots was filmed on studio but even not ... cause the work was makes magnificent with a lot of budget alright but the results it's very crazy !!!!

You want learn about lot of thing in life ? Get inspired? And watch a beautiful journey and find out all the background, this is the documentary that you looking for in the place that you will never go in your life !!!!

Let's watch it, it worth it, and I hope so this great will be watch from so many people in the world !!!!

Thank you Inoxtag you're the guy that you think to be one day you will be great again in other field beside YouTube but I think so in cinema industry cause you're so talented ! But that the word doesn't know !

Thank you Inoxtag you inspired and you will inspire again a lot of people in your life !!!

Thank you !
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