Accidentally in Love (2021 TV Movie)
Cute Romance
11 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I was looking for something to watch today I came across this movie. It was a cute movie that reminded me of books I've read or other movies I've seen. The whole don't get each other's phone numbers and see how things can go horribly wrong. Serendipity anyone? Yes, so this was about an American who is days away from leaving London to go back home. She meets a fellow artist(photographer), and they fall for each other. Things happen that causes them to not go out the night before she leaves. And the story jumps 6 years. I'm going to mark this as a spoiler, but I'm not telling anything about the last 2/3 of the movie. I liked the characters and Jame's character in particular. I'm not familiar with any of the cast,but thought they did a good job with what they had. It's a cute, sweet romance and G rated as far as I can tell. I did have a problem with not knowing whether the characters were in Britain or the U. S. on at least one occasion-just a FYI.
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