First an introduction to the 80ties and the commodore 64. Many people born in the 80ties do remember the computer: commodore 64. This computer surely had a major influence in subculture in the 1980ties. The graphic and sound made it very cozy to play. There were many nostalgic games like: Giana sisters, double dragon and many others. A very good and nostalgic game was Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal - the must-play-game fore Garfield-fans, for a 80ties kid. The game was not drawn as good as some later games, but it did the trick never the less. There weren't many colors, but the background was drawn very well - good details. The music were very good, for a commodore 64. Also the small things in the game: Garfield could stand on his feet and then kick Odie and Jon - very funny back then. And secondly there were many details in the stuff Garfield could pick up in the game. And the story were fine. Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal were a very good commodore 64 game. Period.