Review of I lampsi

I lampsi (1991–2005)
Amazing Episode today. I want more.
30 November 2005
September 1, 2006. Finally the story lines are fantastic. Today I could not leave work fast enough to see the episode and what I saw left me speechless. The main character has become so cruel that even though I know it's just a TV show I am hoping that someone go after him for revenge. Today's episode was extremely tragic. I am sorry this show is going off the air soon because it finally has some very very exciting story lines. John Drako is probably one of the most cruelest of characters and he gets away with everything because he is extremely wealthy. Well he's taken on God. Wow! I hope his demise is slow and just as tragic because the sorrow he caused on today's episode cannot go unpunished. Bravo to the writers for the excellent story lines and bravo to the case for their excellent interpretations of the different characters.
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