I'm not a great writer so this isn't going to be one of the more elegant movie reviews you have ever read but after seeing the movie I had to comment on it. Unless you've been in a coma the last 5 years you already know about 9-11 and what happened but that did not deter from the story that was told. The precise documentary style and factual approach was excellent. I was so nervous during the whole movie. On the edge of my seat, heart pounding, picturing myself in their situation. I thought the guy who played himself, the head of the FAA, was awesome. I didn't know until afterward that he wasn't an actor. He was great, I actually thought he had an Oscar worthy performance. I have never had such a feeling during or after a movie as I had with this one. After watching it, I was like "wow, those people were so brave, such heroes." Later that night, on Larry King Live, they had 4 family members of the victims on and they wholeheartedly agreed with the facts of the movie and gave kudos to the actors that played their fallen loved ones. They also said that 10% of the opening week gross is going toward a memorial in Pensylvania where the plane went down. I am so glad that they approved of the movie, it was pretty graphic and I was wondering if they would be upset about that. I am going to see this at least one more time this week and I hope that this movie wins an Academy award for best picture and best director at the minimum. Every American should see this movie movie at one point or another, it was simply amazing.