Film Perfection
10 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, the most unbelievable thing about this film is that it was created 67 years ago, and since then, nothing (despite "modern method acting" - not entirely sure about that comment - and various technical effects available)has beaten it. Officially. It still constantly tops "greatest film" polls internationally, and it's easy to see why.

The performances in GWTW are stunning. This eternal success of this film basically rides on the acting, because the modern breathtaking stunts and special effects were impossible at the time - the most visually impressive scene is the burning of Atlanta, which is very basic by today's standards. Vivien Leigh is perfect as Scarlett, capturing every emotion and personality aspect of her character (by the way, it's fantastic to see a strong heroine who has obvious personality flaws and only uses a gun once!!!), and the way she develops the character of Scarlett is a strong sign of a truly magnificent actress.

Clark Gable's supporting role as Rhett is again mesmerising, and I could only envy Scarlett as he carried her up the stairs and jealously imagine what had made her so happy the next morning!!! Hattie McDaniel's Mammy was flawless, and her best supporting actress Oscar was thoroughly deserved. She's the only character in the film to make me laugh and cry at the same time and is wonderful to watch.

The other actors supported brilliantly, and although I understand there were many grumbles about parts (even from Clark Gable), the tiniest characters were played to precision, a sign, in my opinion, of the tragedy that modern cinema focuses on who can do the cleverest tricks, and the characters are now forgotten.

There is very little else I can think of to say about GWTW. The reasons for it's commercial and critical success are it's writing, directing, and acting, all of which come across perfectly. That's probably why it's the greatest film in history.
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