I personally boycott many movies due to certain actors appearing in them. I don't care if they are liberal or not, how they vote is their business. I do however, hate it when they make their views abundantly clear. Support at a rally is fine if they are passionate but when the situation doesn't call for it, I can't stand it. At the Acedemy awards for instance. Any actor who has enough gall to voice their opinion on that grand stage should be banned from appearing again. It is embarrassing. They actually think that the public is so shallow or that we can't think for ourselves so they have to convince us how to vote. As if I were undecided and Susan Sarandon said to vote Democrat, I would jump at it. Thats a joke. The sad thing is that people like Ben Affleck were exposed that they were indeed not even registered to vote. I think this movie was an excellent slap in the Hollywood liberal face and that they had it coming for a very long time. I would respect any actor that was asked a political question if they said "why are you asking me? I'm an actor not a political analyst." Or if they said "It doesn't matter what I think, let the people decide for themselves." I know for a fact that I am not the only one who feels this way. These actors are only hurting themselves. No one will go see a movie they are in just because they are Democrat or Republican, but they sure as hell risk a lot of us not seeing one of their movies because they are. I think it took guts for those guys to poke fun at the overwhelming majority of Hollywood. Just for clarification, I am not a bible pounding Republican. Just a guy who gets mad when celebrities speak their mind on things they are clearly not qualified to do.