Although I hate actors that speak their mind publicly about politics and other things in which they have no expertise. Normally I wouldn't see a movie where Alec Baldwin or especially Martin Sheen were involved, however, since Scorsese directs masterpieces (more often than not), I paid to see this movie. I wasn't disappointed in the least bit for the most part. DiCaprio may finally get an Oscar win for this one. Matt Damon was spectacular as well. Jack Nicholson was in rare form in this one. Things that maybe weren't meant to be funny were to me. He was a riot. I actually thought Walhberg did a good job as well where I wasn't a huge fan of his acting ability beforehand (except in Boogie Nights). I probably would have voted this movie a "10" if the ending wasn't disappointing. I felt shocked when DiCaprio's character got blown away at the end. I am sentimental I guess, I liked his character and thought he put more on the line to stop crime and bring down a madman than 99.9% of us would do. I think it may have been a better ending if Wahlberg's character showed up at the elevator to blow Matt Damon and the other guy away and save Costigan (DiCaprio). Having said that, I realize that the ending was a wakeup call to illustrate that not all great cops have a happy ending. I think the movie is a sure fire Oscar nominee for best picture, as well as Scorsese for Director, DiCaprio for best actor (or supporting actor if they decide he wasn't the mian guy), and possibly Matt Damon as best actor/ supporting actor.