There are so many better and less annoying kids films out there
14 July 2006
Call me a curmudgeon, but I absolutely hate the Care Bears and wish they had never been created. They are, without a doubt, the most saccharine and bland characters created in the last 30 years. So sweet, so nice that you really wish that there was a movie that paired them with Itchy and Scratchy!!! Now I am not really saying I want the really little kids out there to see ultra-violent films, but there gets to be a point when a film is so non-offensive and sweet that it nearly puts the viewers in a diabetic coma! This means, parents, that if you are suckered into watching this with your kids, you are in for a trip to Hades! I just can't see how any sane adult could stand watching these horrid creatures for more than about 20 seconds.

On top of these complaints, the animation quality is poor and the script is so mindless and insipid that ANYTHING must be better for the kids to watch. This stuff makes the Teletubbies look edgy!
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