A Surprising Amount Of Laughs And Maybe A&C's Best
30 March 2007
I only watched this once, but that's my loss. I should see this again. Although not a big fan of these guys, I thought this was their funniest film, along with Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstein. Although the latter is considered their best and most popular movie, my vote just might go to this one.

This film was simply a lot of laughs from start to finish and the special-effects with the invisible man are good, too - even over 50 years later! The boxing scenes at the end of the movie are incredibly hokey but they are humorous as the "invisible man" helps Costello in the ring.

Sometimes silly, sometimes stupid but generally fast-moving, this film is highly- recommended for those looking for an innocent, old-time comedy with a surprising amount of laughs.
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