Zeitgeist (2007 Video)
Gather all the information you can constantly research what you hear and read!
31 March 2008
I love this movie. and no I don't take everything they say as full truth just because they say it is. But I do plenty of my own research after watching movies like these and this one is good. But of course don't believe any one source (me included) do all your own research and get your data from a variety of sources and different countries. Then establish your own opinion. I believe they should show movies like these in public schools and in Colleges. Why let only one side of the story claim to be truth? Anyway.. this movie is fast and comes at you. It is not a slow political documentary, I love they way they lay out their cards. its almost like a Informational Action Thriller of debated Non-Fiction.

Do your family, friends, neighbors, and fellow Americans a favor and watch this film and tell everyone you know to watch it. Its free on the internet. It only costs you 2 hours of your life you would have waisted watching worthless reality TV anyway.

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