Gran Torino (2008)
Only one thing ruins this movie, otherwise i'd give it an 8!!
17 December 2008
The lead Asian boy in this film is so horrible at acting that I have to give this a 5 instead of an 8. Since so much of the film depends on the relationship between Clint and the Boy, the boy's horrible acting skills just kill this entire film.

It's basically a typical "feel good" movie with typical "feel good" cheesiness in it. However Clint rocks the house with his performance and most everyone else does a good job also. Only some of the gang member actors perform below average.

BUT THE LEAD BOY's ACTING IS SO HORRIBLE IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE MOVIE THAT HE MAKES THIS FILM BOARDER ON UNWATCHABLE!!! what a shame, otherwise this is as good as a "feel good" cheezeball movie can get!
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