And to think that I didn't want to watch Dragonball: Evolution...
26 June 2009
Given the fact that there is no "0" nor negative scores on IMDb; I just went and raised a star on every movie I've ever rated here, because after watching T2:TROTF i honestly believe no other picture deserves a "1". This is the worst movie ever. Not the worst movie I've ever seen, the worst movie ever made. Normally I disregard trolls and people who just go and throw a random commentary like that, but now, I feel powerless beyond belief, beholding this crime against moviegoers.

Even if you thought the first one was good, this one is going to disappoint you to tears. If you felt N#1 was awful (like I did), this should be obvious; don't commit my stupid mistake; at least the first one had John Voight blabbering stupidity. Even though I feel happy because he isn't around this one to further tarnish his career, my heart bleeds for John Turturro, who's role here is even more idiotic than the one he had in numero uno. Not even Megan Fox's Bayesque cleavage and bouncing is a good enough reason to suffer through this.

Story? Plot line? acting? None. None that you can understand at least. Everybody is terrible, but specially the lead. Just wait till Shia starts acting possessed or whatever (man I wish I could kick his butt!) and claims that he just read a book in two minutes and found that "Einstein was wrong". Your IQ will go down just by hearing that. A special mention should go to the main character's parents, a couple of the utter-most imaginable annoyance.

OK, maybe you're saying "hey man, you are a retard, you went and see Transformers expecting plot line??!! it's about FX!! Well, I'm not that naive of course, so that was my original thought. And no, not even what's supposed to be the movie's forte was good. Action was stupid and senseless, trying to catch moments of brilliance of far superior previous movies like 300. Na, here you have Devastator's Scrotum (textually), and a couple of the most racist clichés made into robots.

You don't believe me? well, just go ahead and watch it. Go and watch how bumble bee has been demoted to an even more stupid scoobby doo. Look how Optimus Prime has become a bully with a gun.

I just hope this flops at the box office. Not because I want Micheal Bay to stop making movies (even though I do), Not because I want these awful, awful 2 hours and a half of disastrous boredom to lose money (I don't really care). I want this to flop because that way, I would know there's still some notion of common sense around.
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