A Bit of Fry and Laurie: Episode #2.2 (1990)
Season 2, Episode 2
Brought to you by Tidyman's Carpets
9 July 2011
Season 2 of "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" picks up right where Season 1 left off: our old friends Control, Tony, Peter, and John are back, as are the vox pop crowd. Season 2 features the same witty wordplay, gleeful slapstick, and excellent rapport between the actors. In this season, Stephen and Hugh also do a brief introduction (in character as "themselves") before the sketches begin. These introductions mark the start of Stephen's trademark finger quotes.

The sketches are: Intro: Tidyman's Carpets; Billiards; Control & Tony and the Window; Trick or Treaters; Tidyman's Test; Piano Player; Lovestruck POW; John & Peter; Improvised Sketch (Fry and Laurie bring a distinctly British approach to improvisation!).
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