I recommend reading the book ( Chanda's Secret) first to appreciate the full concept behind the movie. Some parts of the book was cut out which is a shame but understandable. I guess, he had to take into account the length of the movie and the type of movie he wanted to do i.e as a narrated film. However the director managed to include all the characters from the book without cutting some out - so kudos to him. I'm sure most of the actors were first-timers. But each held their part and did a good job. I Love how the characters spoke in their own language. The singing scenes were very effective.The music at the end was so powerful and touching - it really tied and summed up the movie perfectly. Brought me to tears. I really recommend reading the book first though before watching the movie because I think they both compliment each other. But I will recommend it. Great movie for mature young readers and over.