Again another dumb musical for Asians
11 November 2012
I don't know why Bollywood films are still producing soap opera based musicals in large scales. May be most of the population are poor, illiterate, religious and dumb or they don't have any access to international movies. Any way i happened to watch an advance screening of most hyped Bollywood movie 'JTHJ'. I must say one of the lame movies I watched in recent years. Not because it's 'boy meets girl' or 'pretty people fall in love' storyline, it was one of the craziest love triangle ever filmed in a Bollywood film. Story is simple, leading man stuck with his past, find it difficult to live in the present, reason his past, present relations, I can't reveal much more about the plot line in this spoiler free review. I must say this movie is for the ladies, or estrogen driven males, to enjoy this sort of enlarged melodramas. I have no problem with musicals, or recent twilight movies, but I don't think they deserve a good spot in realistic serious movies in worked cinema.

Anyway anything good in the movie was the visuals, camera works and some background scores. Also the actress and supporting girls tried their best to look surreal beautiful in every frames. And the leading man who looked so aged for the part, was so overacting, but wait it's a musical, and from Bollywood, so it's OK i think, good for a single watch.

I give this movie 2 out of 10.Sorry I am not a musical song dance number fan.
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