Review of Wings

Wings (2012)
Don't watch "Wings"
26 January 2014
I knew this movie was going to be somewhat "b-grade" and riding on the coat tails of Disney's Planes... but I wasn't expecting such an overall bad movie. It was seriously terrible. TERRIBLE. I wonder if the better known actors that appeared in the movie knew what the producers were planning to release. The dialog didn't even flow. It was a very basic and done-before plot and they couldn't even make it hold my kids attention. They love movie night. But this just had them bored, they got up and found their toys and played in front of the TV, not even looking up. Like they knew it wasn't a real movie. No character depth (at all). Bad animation that was just clearly trying to copy a "style" of Pixar - but didn't cut it in any way. This was a waste of my money and my kids time. I was bitterly disappointed and am somewhat angry (partly at my self for not looking at reviews first) that I ever got this movie for them. Don't see this movie, it doesn't deserve any attention. It's shameful.
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