Tank Girl (1995)
Underrated and ahead of its time
14 September 2014
A comic book with a female hero in a post-apocalyptic world with mutant kangaroos. I can see why this didn't go over big in 1995. But these days, with comic books being regularly made into films, it's worth taking another look at this little gem.

I can remember enjoying this film back then, but having viewed it fresh, there's a lot to admire: It's got energy. It's got a killer soundtrack. It's chock full of feminist grrrl power. The casting is interesting, from Malcolm McDowell and Naomi Watts to Ice-T and Iggy Pop. There's a seamless flow between the comic book and the live-action. The old-school, in-camera effects are pretty flawless—they dropped some serious coin. And Lori Petty really nails it, bringing a comic book character to life.

Look, there's no deep moral message or "hero's journey" here—it's based on a comic book, after all. It's just fun, escapist entertainment. I'm generally a fan of world cinema, and "Tank Girl" is by no means a classic. But if you appreciate films that take chances, break the mould and don't take themselves too seriously, it's worth a watch.
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