Star Trek: Enterprise: Shadows of P'Jem (2002)
Season 1, Episode 15
I like any episode that involves the Andorians!
21 March 2015
This episode is a follow-up to the earlier one about P'Jem--the Vulcan 'monastery' that turned out to be a spy base! Instead of accepting responsibility for being a bunch of lying jerk-faces, the sanctimonious Vulcans make excuses, blame humans for the destruction of this base by the Andorians and are looking for a scapegoat...which happens to be T'Pol. She is to be recalled back to Vulcan because of her involvement in uncovering this base. But, before this is to occur, the Enterprise goes to visit a planet aligned with the Vulcans. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a bust, as there's a rebel group fighting the Vulcan-backed government and they take Archer and T'Pol prisoner. The Vulcans soon arrive and act like even bigger jerk-faces--demanding they take over any rescue efforts. Unexpectedly, the Andorians also soon arrive--and I got excited because I love these aliens. They were wonderful because although they seemed like warlike idiots, time and again they proved themselves to be far more interesting and multidimensional. Overall, a very worthy follow-up to the earlier show and yet another example for why the Andorians are one of the best things about this series.
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