Review of Dust Up

Dust Up (2012)
Fail of Tears - it's fun, but should've done without the racism
19 November 2015
This movie is not laugh-out-loud hilarious, but there's some good fun, and its play with cliché often produces a solid smile and even the occasional chuckle. If it fails to do so with you, you should probably eat more fruit or something, maybe get some fresh air, because there's definitely something wrong with you.

I mean, me, personally, I've got some pretty high comedy standards. The highest in the world maybe. I laugh at nothing. In fact, I'm annoyed by most things. Especially the elderly. Or even the weak in general. But also bad comedy. This movie made me smile several times, however, so it should do at least the same for you.

Where it definitely fails, in my opinion, is where it tries to mock anti-Native American racism. One of the main characters is a Native American named Mo. Like the fake Native Americans of the western movies this character is supposed to spoof, Mo is played by a white actor, but looks and behaves even more like a bad stereotype.

Ultimately, however, the joke lands on Native Americans. I mean, how can it not? Even when you indirectly mockingly mimic a people and their traditions, by mockingly mimicking a mimic, you still mockingly mimic a people and their traditions.

This may be funny sometimes, but it can also be hurtful. And whether it's funny or hurtful depends, mostly, on the history and especially the current power relations between the peoples who do the mocking and the people who are being mocked. In this case, both the history and the current socio-economic power relations between white Americans and Native Americans make it, at best, a little insensitive to for members of the former group to mock the latter. Although I'm sure the movie wasn't made with this intention.
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