Review of Mulaney

Mulaney (2014–2015)
A really crappy show with a slightly ironic saving point
27 March 2016
Okay, Mulaney is not a good show. It isn't. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You know those semi-funny, semi-clever Nickelodeon and Disney live-action shows (like iCarly) that you watched as a pre- teen growing up in the late 2000s? This is basically a version of that, without all of the corny charm and with a few forced adult jokes to remind you that this is not the Disney Channel. The characters are blatant ripoffs of those from other, superior sitcoms like Seinfeld and Friends. The situation humor is forced at best, and the experience is cringe-worthy. "Then what is the saving grace you talked about in the summary?" you might be asking yourself. Well, the title and main character, Mulaney, is a stand-up comedian, and the stand up comedy scenes are actually pretty good. Not Monty Python, Robin Williams, or Bill Cosby good (yes, I do realize that Cosby IS a rapist and professional -censored- but he was a fine comedian), but pretty damn funny. They are what elevates the show from a 1 to a 3. However, they only take place in the beginning of each episode, and the end. Frankly, just go online and look up a playlist of the stand-up bits, and avoid the rest of the show. If you want good sitcoms, go watch reruns of Seinfeld and Friends instead. This is DeletedContent, signing out!
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