"You're badass Herman"
29 March 2016
Pee-wee Herman: The iconic and ever-funny man-child returns (and it only took 28 years!!!) in thee superbly zany "Pee-wee's Big Holiday". I found this to be nearly as good as "Pee-wee's Big Adventure", nearly. This is an extremely fun and fast-paced comedy (unlike the epic misfire that is 1988's "Big Top Pee-wee") that will make you grin from beginning to end. Just like the almighty first film 30+ years ago, this is an epic "road movie" and he has some utterly hilarious, side-splitting encounters along the way. I won't get into plot specifics just watch it for yourself and marvel at the fact, that Paul Reubens is every bit as convincing as Pee-wee Herman today, as he was in the 80's. I've been a Pee-wee fan since the mid-80's so I can say with confidence that I know my stuff.

As hinted at above, Paul Reubens really knows his character and with the exception of a few instances, early in the film, where his voice seems to sound a bit off (to low in pitch) his performance is all but perfect. It's truly amazing how well Reubens has aged over the years, he's nearly 64 YEARS OLD! and yet he still looks the part. Looking as though he's aged only about 15 years, since making the first film over 30 years ago! I find it baffling that some reviewers are saying he's too old looking to keep playing the role. They are certainly mistaken to think that. Indeed, people just like to quibble and bitch, even when there isn't anything to quibble and bitch about - that I've noticed. Cut out the negativity people, because: Pee-wee still has it! A true one-of-a-kind character perfectly crafted and refined by a comic genius.

It's too bad Tim Burton didn't direct this movie, but John Lee did a good job none the less. Musically speaking, the soundtrack is effective, but not overly memorable; a shame Danny Elfman also didn't show up for The Big Holiday, because I just adore Danny's Pee-wee music. Apparently one of the guys from Devo did the music and like I say said effective but not terribly memorable, not like what maestro Elfman would have composed. Like many fans, I'm still holding out hope for a grand return of the team of Reubens/Burton/Elfman to some day make the best ever Pee-wee Herman adventure. Hope it happens some day. Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock - for time is not infinite.

In closing, if I were to rate the 3 Pee-wee films, Big Adventure stills reigns as number 1, close behind is Big Holiday firmly in second place, and it beats the pants off the terribly disappointing Big Top Pee-wee the definite loser of the three - it takes the bronze.

PS - I have to address this, as it does bother at times, to see just how many people, evidently, do not know how to properly spell his name. Even after !!35 YEARS!! of being in the public eye. It's "Pee-wee" NOT: Pee-Wee or Pee Wee, drop that capitol on the "w" damn-it and don't forget to add the hyphen. Well that's done........

and please............KEEP MAKING THESE MOVIES PAUL!
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