Review of Allegiant

Allegiant (2016)
Realist - Good Movie
23 April 2016
Okay, first things first I am a realist about movies and a huge critic. If I enjoy a movie, Ill make sure it does get good feedback and this relatively goes for Allegiant.

Allegiant was a pretty good movie. The negativity is over-exaggerated, seriously over-exaggerated.

I realize that a majority of people are hauling up all this negativity because they are getting butt hurt that the film sort of strays from the book. Yes, I have read the book but seriously they barely change the plot. I only remember bits of the book since I read it a really long time ago like a year ago and there is nothing to get even remotely butt hurt over.

In summary, if you are scared this is going to be a waste of money and time, I implore you to go and see it for yourself. I went to the cinema with a low expectation of this film and by the end was questioning, what the hell these people are complaining over. Solid safe 7 out of 10. No generosity. It deserves a damn 7.

I personally enjoyed it myself and I was entertained throughout the film.
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