Hairspray Live! (2016 TV Movie)
8 December 2016
Hairspray Live deserves a great rating! While it is true there were a handful of technical bugs and when it comes to some casting choices, people who are familiar with the show might have to get used to the new cast, all the hard work and endless practice that went into this is quite an amazing feat!

Being a person of theater, film and broadcast myself, what it takes to pull something off like this in a live setting blows my mind. Life is not perfect, but what makes a live show feel more realistic, more connected on a human level than a couple of bugs or passionately exhausted vocal inflections?!

While some of the past live shows have had their struggles, Hairspray Live is a big leap in the right direction. For what it is, all the technical aspects they achieved, and how it was not pre-recorded, it is worth the watch.
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