Dig the minimalism
25 March 2017
Excellent showcase: A man with a mic who takes you on a one-man comedic ride. Shot (or post-processed) monochromatic. And it sometimes reminds me of Kubrick; It's not hard to find a frame where that b/w looks beautiful; good balance and a somewhat "stark" look (low ambient light) that lends Burr an iconic look--particularly when he makes a face... which he does quite a bit in this show.

If you don't like cussing, skip it. Funny thing I've reflected upon wrt to Burr (and Oswalt, and...): Seinfeld often says that cussing in stand-up comedy is a shortcut; by which he means (sort of) cheating; hedging your bets with material short on genuine laughs by appealing to folks' prurience.

Well, Burr, et.al., put the lie to that. If there's anywhere that Burr cheats, it's in his way of morally shooting from the hip. But that doesn't daunt me: Even when I disagree with his moral calculus, I'm sincerely thankful for his shining, genuine humor, which is the stuff that *truly* covers a Multitude of Sins (as we all know, IFF we've kept *our* senses of humor!).

So this cussing hasn't stopped Seinfeld from hosting this ilk on his Cars/Coffee show... and is it a purely marketing decision (keeping "hep" with "the youth")? I think not!

I would be remiss not to point out that Burr has a very finely tuned comic instrument, which complements his comedic sensibility perfectly.

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