Treasure (I) (2017)
A new friendship develops between a troublemaker girl and a geocacher takes them to a journey of life where she learns the meaning of life.
18 January 2017
Chris Williams has done excellent job in creating the story with great thoughts to every detail which makes you feel that you are in it yourself. Many laughing moments, many sad tear jerking moments as the main characters encounter people with needs making them realize the meaning of life. Geocacher was not even in my mind whole watching bcoz my attention was more on the social, cultural, family, homeless needs. Excellent story, excellent cinematography, very good editing, superb background music matching the moods, realistic dialogues, good acting, good locations, appropriate colors, meticulous direction. Has both domestic and international appeal. Will do very well in international market. Overall rating: A+ 4.0/4.0, highly recommend this movie.
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