Chapeuzinho Vermelho (2007 Video)
A long way from bright and cheerful
1 July 2017
Video Brinquedo have been branded The Asylum of animation for good reason. Their output is consistently awful (though there is something compulsive about their bad quality, hence the curiosity value in keeping watching them), with the exact same flaws in everything they've done so far with no improvement whatsoever. Nothing of theirs is worthwhile though some are more intelligence-insulting than others.

'Chapeuzinho Vermelho' is quite easily, while not one of their worst (at least it's not a shameless rip-off and that there's Video Brinquedo animations with far more offensive content), the worst version of 'Little Red Riding Hood', from recollection it's the only bad or worse version personally seen. Not quite as bad as 'Ratatoing', 'The Little Panda Fighter', 'Up in the Air: Balloon to the Rescue', 'Little and Big Monsters' and 'The Little Cars' outings, it is still terrible and shares all their faults.

It is hard to know when to begin with summing up everything that is wrong with 'Chapeuzinho Vermelho', which is pretty much everything, but let's start with the animation. To sum it up in one word, the animation is every bit as hideous as that of Video Brinquedo's worst. It honestly looks like it was made in a few minutes if that. Again it is filled with forced character designs, incredibly flat colours(even badly coloured crayon pictures have more refinement) and backgrounds that are lacking in any kind of fluidity coming across as static and simplistic instead. The music also sounds cheap and more suited to a low budget video game or a slots game, also never fitting and completely disconnected.

The writing once again is appalling, and doesn't even have unintentional humour value, with clunky and draggy exposition and nonsense and irrelevant chatter. Adults will find it too juvenile and even kids will feel like it went well overboard trying to dumb down to them. Again a big problem when so dialogue-heavy.

'Little Red Riding Hood' has never been told so dully, with scenes that drag on and on and often serving no point at all, making a very short length feel twice (and perhaps even more) as long. Sure it adheres to the basic structure and details of the story, but with none of the ingredients that make the story so timeless. Charm, fun, magic, energy and heart are nowhere in sight here.

Nothing engaging about the characters either, the titular character being annoying and one doesn't even root for the wolf. They're badly animated, have little personality and just annoy the heck out of children and adults alike. The voice acting is lifeless or unbearably obnoxious, like they didn't even try or even want to be there, it was almost like they were bribed or would do anything to get some quick cash.

Summing up, another terrible outing in Video Brinquedo's dubious output. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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