Review of Revolt

Revolt (2017)
Decent Sci-Fi
4 July 2017
I'll give it an 8 because if you take the budget into consideration, they did a pretty good job. It's actually impressive how they strategically stretched the budget, and I'm not just talking about filming in Africa, though that saved plenty of money, looking apocalyptic without much staging.

The Story is fine, nothing ground-breaking. The message is simple and repeated a few times in slogan form for our benefit in case we missed it.

There is one minor technical but highly visible plot hole around the end, and they know it - they show that they know it. It's likely they just *couldn't* do it right, but it's really not a big deal. Come to think of it, this movie has fewer holes than most amazingly.

I'd say it's a good ScyFy channel movie + , so if you're OK with that then you're OK with this.
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