This is a talk-show, not a comedy. If you were expecting a comedy, you will be disappointed.
17 September 2018
It took me a few episodes to realize that it really isn't a comedy. Norm Macdonald is one of the funniest stand-up comedians I've ever seen. I love watching his appearances on talk shows like Conan and Fallon. I also really enjoyed the Norm Macdonald Live show. If you're a person who likes all of those things. and think that you will like this show just because it is Norm, well you will be disappointed. This is not Norm in his element--telling jokes, with satisfying punchlines and such. This is a talk show. Period. I would say that this would only be enjoyable for someone who really likes the guest. If you are lukewarm on the guests, I would say that you would probably not like this show. It is not very funny at all. If you are expecting jokes, well there are 3 jokes every episode. Ones that are written on note-cards. Norm reads one, Adam reads one, and the guest reads one. Those are pretty much the only jokes in the entire program. So, since this is not a comedy, as it is not funny. I have to then grade this show based on how good of a talk-show host Norm is. And, well he is not a very good host. He frequently interrupts his guests, which would be funny if this is a comedy, but as I established, I don't think it is. Therefore, interrupting is very awkward in this context. Furthermore, his co-host Adam is basically worthless. He literally just sits there and laughs. The only time that he ever speaks is when he is prodded for a question by Norm. Which, overall, creates a pretty awkward atmosphere. Ultimately, as much as I like Norm, I have to give this a pretty negative review. The show fails as a comedy, and then fails on the talk show aspect. The only way I would recommend this show, is if you really like the guest that is on--because some of the guests give some interesting stories. But, overall, I was disappointed.
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