Rules of Engagement (2007–2013)
One of the more underrated shows
18 September 2018
I came across this show by chance a couple years ago; long after it had been cancelled, but was immediately hooked! In many ways it reminded me of Married With Children, with I suppose Adam and Russell being the children for this show? While the humor can be a bit tedious at times, the chemistry the characters have brings a nostalgic comfort to a dying genre - the sitcom. After catching a few episodes in syndication, I sought out the show on DVD, but then quickly noticed that the entire series was on Netflix.

Patrick's comedic delivery as Jeff was spot on. Adam's incessant obliviousness wasn't wholly present during the first season, and wore a bit thin as the show went on, but I found this style of humor to be somewhat charming compared to the other characters. Then there's of course David Spade's character Russell Dunbar. He didn't really have much of an arc throughout the series, and he definitely made me laugh more often than not, but he was really more of a caricature than anything. It wasn't until his foil, Timmy (Timir) came along that I began to appreciate their banter. Audrey and Jennifer are also excellent in their respective roles, and they are great standouts in this male-oriented show. (I short-changed them quite a bit, sorry)

It's unfortunate the show only lasted five seasons. I felt I had at least a few years left; especially coming back after a year-long hiatus. There were a couple of significant breaks in continuity, Timmy's immigration status for example, but not a show-killer IMHO. I've now watched the show multiple times and continue to find things I hadn't noticed before that make me laugh.
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