Not much to say
21 November 2018
So, the trivia says "The Sexplorer", also known as "The Girl From Starship Venus", is Tarantino's favourite British film. If that's true, it's another reason why I'd like to give him a smack in the mouth ("Death Proof" being the other one). Ever heard of "A Matter of Life and Death", Quentin? "The Third Man"? "Bridge on the River Kwai"?

His endorsement is probably the only reason anyone hears about this movie now. There's not much to say about it, and it doesn't have much going for it other than nudity.

The "plot", or rather the premise, is as follows: an extra-terrestrial woman comes to Earth, here called "Dum", to research humankind. When she first appears she is completely naked, and lucky for her, she appears in the kind of gym where everyone else is naked too. I'm not sure if such a gym exists on planet Earth, even in the crazy '70s, but whatever. The woman meets a nice guy and a not so nice guy. The nice guy takes her home, where she travels through time (apparently) to encounter the mean one, who takes her to a sex show and tries to have sex with her in a room full of balloons.

Why was it necessary to add the time-travel aspect? It is so negligible most viewers probably won't even notice it.

Throughout the movie, there is a voiceover of the protagonist - who has her hair cut into a helmet-like shape - speaking with some guy, perhaps her boss, discussing whatever's happening to her. It nudges up against comedy throughout, but is never funny or insightful.

Judging by all the movies I've seen, the '70s were a time as foreign to us now as the planet this girl is supposed to come from.
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