I Am MLK Jr. (2018)
All The Sell-outs You Can Shake A Stick At
27 May 2019
First of all, MLK was a great man, and I'm proud of what he did for black people. I said _black_ people...

The people in this documentary, in particular, Van Jones, care nothing about the plight of black people, in particular, about helping black people attain power and respect.

There's nothing in this film that seeks to empower black people so that they can determine their own futures. It's a film about how to be a boot licker. Just look at Van Jones' resume for an example. To the people in this documentary, black people don't live under oppression anymore. If they thought so, they'd try and empower black people, instead of telling them to be non-violent against the American status-quo.

Just look at their dreamy-eyed demeanor. Look at that blink and you'll miss it criticism of Malcolm X. Look at their _age_.

Many of these so-called black leaders are dying, and the new, younger black voices are on the rise, and our futures won't be determined by these failures and has-beens. The white establishment sees this, and this is the beginning of many attempts to prevent us from claiming what is rightfully ours.

The African gods will not forgive these men for what they've done. Black power, no surrender!

USMA, c/o 2002
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