Finest Filmmaker Alive
23 June 2019
Asghar Farhadi is the finest filmmaker alive now and working today in the world.

He digs deeper and reveals more about the human condition. His movies bear repeated viewings.

EVERYBODY KNOWS is no different. It's the equal of his other films: A SEPARATION, THE SALESMAN, THE PAST, ABOUT ELLY, and FIREWORKS WEDNESDAY. They are all rated 10, except maybe A Separation should be an 11.

Before I saw this one, Everybody Knows, somehow I got the notion that it's not as worthy as its brethren. It received fairly unenthusiastic reviews and even a few people I know said it's not as good as the others. That view is wrong. Everybody Knows is excellent work.

In terms of revealing the answer to the mystery inherent in the story--his solution is unique, unexpected and works very well within the structure he's created.

I intended to write a lengthier review, but a number of other reviews found here say it better probably than I could. I'm specifically thinking of ahicks-2, khororus, maurice yacowar, and magow-01. Read their reviews. They're fair and accurate.

Here's all Farhadi needs to make a good movie:

A script. Actors. A camera.

He doesn't need any of that other BS that we get all the time everywhere, that stuff we're drowning in. Farhadi throws us a life-saver.

I haven't yet seen his two earliest feature films. I'm on the lookout for them and can't wait to see them.
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