Heartbreaking documentary that deserves more attention!
11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not someone who is easily moved to tears when watching movies or documentaries but this really broke me. Sun Yi was an embodiment of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of fascist evil. I truly pray that your pain and suffering will not be in vain Sun Yi and that this documentary gets the recognition it deserves. (It really upset me to learn that he had died alone at end of the documentary.) Unfortunately as Hollywood these days is so reliant on the huge Chinese movie market they won't be giving this Documentary any nominations at the Oscars. But if any documentary from the last few years deserves a nomination in the best Oscar documentary feature category it's 'Letter from Masanjia'. Please support the brave people behind this important documentary and rent it out on Vimeo for just $3.
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