Fantastic approaching of the priceless Karnstein Trilogy!!
23 December 2019
As I really love documentaries of cinema, showing the behind the scenes many valuable information over the movies, in this case Hammer and his successful Karnstein Trilogy, mainly the last one what was a highlight of the essential doc, many British historians gave their testimonials, also the director Joe Dante, they starting discussing the Sheridan Le Farnu novella Carmilla that was conceived on late nineteen century, a lonely Irish Victorian writer who was coeval of Bram Stocker, Carmilla was developing as short tales, however with a slight lesbian thematic, denied by Le Farnu, bring to the theatre and later to big screen, as Karnstein Trilogy, the doc was focused on last one, Twins Of Evil, how they casting the Maltese Collinson twins and mainly Peter Cushing who lost your beloved wife a previous month, John Hough got his major first director testify as well, how and where made the scenes at Pinewood Studios and nearby forest, fantastic documentary over the priceless trilogy!!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8
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