Nothing like Roth's Cabin Fever, but I liked it because...
6 February 2020
...I'm a gorehound!

Look...it's pretty obvious after watching part 2 that Ti West had multiple options:
  • follow Roth's vision and develop a decent movie, or
  • push the boundaries and make a grotesque, blood-riddled gore circus.

He very much went for the latter. Indeed, many of the reviews here aren't wrong. What makes the difference for me is that in my opinion, TW did what he did intentionally, passing on the the opportunity to craft a fully cohesive part 2 in exchange for putting out the most vile and disgusting sequel he could, with the money he had. What does that mean? Well,
  • the acting is not superb but it's at least average,
  • the script is likely the least developed part of the flick
  • you get EXACTLY what he intended, which is likely why the ending is what it is, and the entire movie is barely more than 80 minutes.

Look...I could be wrong, but the purpose of CF2 is it not to take a prestigious ranking in the lexicon of horror cinema. It's GORE! There's really no other reason for its pervasive and continuous use and lack of other characteristics. That being the case, I enjoyed it! I didn't pick at the myriad of plot holes or script issues, or logically false issue that popped up, but enjoyed it for what it is...or a gorefest. Granted, I would have liked a better all around movie, but not at the expense of what he put out. There's just not enough straight-up gore flicks anymore, so I appreciated the graphic nature of the film.

It is worth noting that the fx are very well done. All the gore is done by way of practical fx, which is preferable to CGI. The largest part of the budget obviously went to the fx and it is noticeable.

All these meanderings are just my opinion, which means zilch, but for my purposes, being the gorehound I am, I enjoyed the flick. It's certainly not for the squeamish.
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