Review of Otro verano

Otro verano (2013)
23 February 2020
The plot: Cano, a musician and composer, returns to the summer house that he once shared with Sara, his girlfriend, who disappeared in strange circumstances. The drama is intermingled with the fantastic, and the underlying theme is the imprint (sometimes distorted or suppressed) that past experiences leave in our present life. The overall theme is Cano's obsession with finding the truth, which leads him to reconstruct every detail of the last days he spent with Sara.

This is the first feature film by director Jorge Arenillas, who has had extensive experience in other fields of the movie industry. (assistant director, writer, etc.) His debut is auspicious in spite of (or maybe because) the minimal budget at his disposition. He creates an atmosphere of increasing dread and foreboding supported by good acting and cinematography. The only objection is that the subject and script is perhaps too sparse for a full length movie. All in all, a film worth watching.
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