This movie is a balm for the pessimistic.
12 April 2020
As the years have gone on I have come to realize that this, not the original Star Wars, is my favorite movie. And, having just re-watched it for the umpteenth time, I decided it was high time I left a review somewhere. I am a cynical person, I don't believe in a lot, I don't believe in love at first sight, or the power of the human spirit, or in humanity in general really. My brother tells me that makes me a misanthrope, and I don't disagree. If I sit down to watch Star Wars for example, I can't help but loudly and frequently pick apart its many flaws: the hammy acting from the extras, the dated special effects, the story as a whole, yadda yadda. But every. single. time. I sit down to watch Stranger than Fiction I find it akin to slipping my aching body into a warm bath after a looong day, my jaded personality submerging beneath the gentle and comforting weight of the familiar story. Will Farrell is a clown most days, making such masterpieces as Anchorman and Ricky Bobby (that was sarcasm), but in this movie he stands shoulder to shoulder with cinematic giants like Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson and he SHINES as Harold Crick, his performance subtle and low key, but poignant and introspective. This of course stands in contrast to Maggie Gyllenhaal's 'Miss Pascal': so vibrant and full of life, with a kind and warm personality that is undiminished by an occasionally fiery temper. Whenever she comes on screen with her passion and femininity I can't help but empathize with Harold, because with each touch and sigh from Maggie I inevitably want her as badly as he does. The two of them coming together is like that bath we talked about, or a hug from someone you love after far too long apart. But setting aside the love interest, the story itself is so much fun to experience: that of a character who is not supposed to know about his impending demise, yet does, and how that knowledge spurs him to embrace his life, however long it shall be. Sentimental? Absolutely. So what? 10 Stars. People more cynical then myself will throw shade at this film, and I strongly urge them to go and eat a cookie.
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