I Am Jonas (2018 TV Movie)
Impressive and very moving.
15 May 2020
I was very impressed and moved by this film. It's just "small", I mean: just a few actors, a simple albeit poignant story, no big settings or effects. But it all fits perfectly, and the director effectively makes us jump forwards and backwards in the chronology of the story, to make us gradually aware of what happened in the past that has made the adult Jonas the complicated and almost self-destructive man he is.

The being gay of the main characters is not so much an issue here; although the scenes during high school at first seem to go in that way, it's basically about a teenage love as any other, so don't expect some coming-out movie. The main premise is having to live with an overpowering feeling of guilt and shame on account of some terrible incident that concerned the person on whom at that moment all your new and hopeful love was focused.

Adult Jonas is played by Félix Maritaud, I saw him recently in Sauvage (2018), and he is equally impressive here as a man tormented by his memories. But young Nicolas Bauwens as the teenage Jonas is just as impressive in his straining part and more than once moved me to tears.

The ending is rather abrupt but it fits the story and although nothing is actually stated that way, it does leave the impression of some redemption for Jonas, a hint at the start of a happier future.
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