Some hard triggers make us do thing and become someone that we did not believe we were
8 September 2020
What worked: What made the movie viewing experience enjoyable was the first half, where it felt like a real interactions with the local people, I think it was improvised. The movie blended well between real and the scripted narrative. It felt real, engaging and thrilling, and his portrayal was entertaining. The makers made sure that it will start slow and then take pace afterwards and that's what happens in the movie. What did not work: The movie somehow lost the touch with the reality and the series of events after the first half went too fast and without any proper reasoning and explaining. As the movie progressed, it became equally difficult to watch and grasp the series of events and the intensity that it happened, making it feel like it's gone too far. The use of camera was done beautifully in the first hour of the movie , making us believe that the narrative is progressing through the actor's camera. But later in the movie, they stole that chance and made it visible the makers used the camera to film the actor using the camera. Some scenes were overly done and making it Ian's disturbing to watch.Also, the conclusion of the movie is not morally and cinematic wrong and is glamorized and glorified to make it possible, but the end isn't what it should have been. Final verdict: recommended
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