Tarantino at his best
19 December 2020
(Jamie Fox, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, Walton Goggins, James Remar, Don Johnson, Bruce Dern & Samuel L. Jackson)

Set in the Wild West in Texas in 1858, a former dentist turned bounty hunter named Schultz stumbles upon the Speck Brothers who are in transit moving slaves they own. Schultz gets to talking with a slave named Django inquiring if he's heard of the Brittle brothers, upon affirmation of such information Schultz proceeds to purchase Django if he helps him locate and take care of the brothers than he would grant Django his freedom along with a horse and $75. Schultz then takes Django under his wing training him the ways of the bounty hunter and he becomes his deputy. After successfully tracking and taking out the Brittle Brothers and many other targets over the winter Django tells Schultz his story of how he and his wife attempted to escape their former owner and then were sold separately, and how he would like to use that reward to purchase his wife back. They discover the location of a Mississippi plantation where Broomhilda, his wife , was sold. They learn the ruthless Calvin Candie Von Shaft is the new owner and they now know that a scheme needs to be plotted to successfully purchase Broomhilda without raising suspicion that she was the target all along.

For a nearly three hour movie it certainly doesn't feel that way as the film is so action packed that it'll keep you on your toes the entire duration of the film. A beautifully produced piece of film that stacks up with every other great Tarantino film, it just fits the mold so perfectly. Well developed characters and a unique story like none other. So much originality has been missing in westerns i feel like this one fueled the next decade of great westerns that have been released. This long list of actors in this film is quite extraordinary as there was even more great actors i could have listed. The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal and I'll admit i listen to this frequently it just fit the film perfect. The dialog was written so nicely creating some iconic scenes. Anyone who truly loves film can not get enough of this Tarantino masterpiece.
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