Real good movie. Good story. It's like HEAT plus SPECIES. I've seen it several times, starting with its initial release in 1987. I now own it on DVD. I have to agree with all the good reviews here. It looks a little low-budgety, because it is (more or less), but that's part of its charm. Most of the acting is top notch, but my favorite performance is William Boyett's Jonathan Miller. He is first rate in this, he's got it down perfectly. I've seen him in a thousand things in pretty small parts (he's in lots of Perry Masons) and his presence is always welcome & workman-like, so seeing him in a juicy part like this is a real treat. Danny Trejo in a small part, one or two lines, but you recognize that voice of his right away (in a long shot, so you don't see his face till a minute or so later). There are some logical lapses in the telling, here and there all the way through, and some visual lapses too, but the tone and the pacing keep you involved so that the lapses don't matter. Highly entertaining.