The Box (2021)
3 Episodes in And Struggling
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this show, it had so much potential. Anna Friel is a fine actress, but the story fails to gather any coherence. I'm not sure if it is some of the very cheesy dialogue, but the rest of the cast sound wooden and stilted, particularly her boss. The story is confusing, jumping around timelines, referencing things from the past as if we should know what they're talking about, but don't. Don't think I'm giving away any spoilers, that Anna Friels character is suffering from PTSD and as her life unravels she becomes more unstable. But the fact that she is allowed to carry on investigating after everything that happens is just unbelievable, and the behaviour and actions of the other characters is equally baffling, and at times contradictory. She gets committed, then escapes and when she gets back to the presinct, carries on as if nothing happened, and no one says anything. So why six stars? Despite all its failings, it has a certain atmosphere about it, and the feeling that it is going somewhere interesting. Not sure how many episodes there are, but it has being toying around the fringes of the supernatural for 3 episodes now, but has made very little progress in the story telling. So it really needs to commit itself one way or the other, and start heading towards pulling things together, and focusing on the endgame. Frustrating, but intriguing.
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