Very enjoyable. Best werewolf movie since The Howling (#1). Good storyline, good pacing, good performances. Robert Forster is terrific in this. I've always loved his work, but he's exceptionally good in this. He puts together a complex and humorous character, totally believable. I didn't expect to like this movie so much. The other actors are all first rate as well, and the two leads, Cummings and Lindholme are unusual talents. The central character is the sheriff's son, and there are some bold choices here. There's a fine line between sympathetic and unsympathetic, and Cummings treads it with artistry. He kept me involved. Took a chance on this movie, and feel amply rewarded. I could tell right away, within the first 10 minutes, that I was going to like it. Any movie that can convince you right at the start--that's a sign of good storytelling.