I really wanted to like this game. It looks great and the story is interesting. But the combat is so clunky and just straight up sloppy! It's impossible to reload your gun or heal during a boss fight because you get hit as soon as you try. You also can't turn and run away from the swarms of monsters that attack relentlessly to get some space between you for just a moment to reload. You can't reload and dodge at the same time. TwoHead is hard enough as is the second time around and then you get attacked from behind while fighting him as well. I didn't make it any further; I had to give up due to the poor combat. I play most games on Normal/Medium but I had to put this on Easy. A challenge is fine, but Easy in this game is more like Hard. I should be allowed to enjoy a game too...on a slightly easier setting if I have to quit because it's become impossible to me. Not everyone is a teen boy or young adult who argue that all these difficult games are just "easy" to them. I enjoyed Dead Space (same creators) and I enjoy some games that require some technique in their combat. But this game becomes too repetitive fighting the same exact monsters over and over and I just can't get past it's troublesome, clunky gameplay. And every time you die, the loading screen is ungodly long! It's getting a 1 because it's now a total waste of $70 for me as I'll never get to finish it! And I don't understand how it has such a high rating on here, as I've heard a lot of the same complaints I've made.