Not a bad show, cute idea but tough concept. The one thing that ruins this show however are the judges and 1 in particular, the Asian American lady is very rude and ignorant. Never has a kind word and always puts the item down, she acts like a greater power. Please get rid of all these judges and try again!
I really like the idea to make snacks although it's very tough and hardly ever does the contestants final product look like the snack they are trying to make. In one episode they were tasked with making kit-kat bars and the results were terrible to be nice. Not one looked remotely close to a Kit Kat and they didn't look like they tasted like it either.
I really like the idea to make snacks although it's very tough and hardly ever does the contestants final product look like the snack they are trying to make. In one episode they were tasked with making kit-kat bars and the results were terrible to be nice. Not one looked remotely close to a Kit Kat and they didn't look like they tasted like it either.