So It Was
15 January 2023
Sonia Dresdel is the wife of Walter Fitzgerald and the mother of Barbara White and Doctor Emrys Jones. She's one of those women who dominate everything about the house. When Miss White gets married to Scott Forbes, she's mildly incredulous; it soon becomes apparent to the audience that she is trying to cause a rift between the two of them. As for the others in her family, well, she has plans for them all.

Tim Whelan directs this Queen Bee movie well enough, but the score by Mischa Spoliansky is way over the top, informing the audience that something really important is going on, even at the movie's most banal moments. It's a horrid score that mickey-mouses every plot twist -- not that there are many once you understand the basic thesis that Miss Dresdel is going to get her own way, even when it makes no sense at all. Perhaps without this score, it might have been an interesting melodrama, but with it, it's almost laughable.... or would be if didn't go on for one hundred minutes.
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