Silent River (2021)
Intriguing Movie
1 April 2023
The first hour of this story, right from the first shot, drew me in, slowly but surely. There's very little dialogue, and the performances of the two central characters are captivating. West Liang as the leading man is a compelling screen presence. He's got a rough, James-Dean like quality, but he's the kind of actor who could also play the bad buy, so there's a hero-or-villain tension. Into the mix steps the mysterious and appealing Amy Tsang, who knows how to say--and hint at--so much without using words. The two of them turn in excellent work. In the second hour the mystery expands and deepens. Criticizing the movie for being Lynchian is wrong-headed. The Ryan Gosling film, Lost River (2014), was criticized for being Lynchian without Lynch. So what? Is Lynch (one of my favorite directors) the only filmmaker allowed to make movies like this? A useless argument, in my opinion. Silent River tells a good story and keeps you involved. The music by Brian Ralston and cinematography by Norbert Shieh are essential components of the fabric of this story. Recommended. A double bill of Silent River and Lost River would make for a riveting evening of cinema.
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