Dudes: Again! (2023)
Worse than you thought
29 April 2023
I'll say it right away: the new Dudes movie is probably the worst film ever made in the Serbian language.

Watching this movie is a horrifying experience, and the only thing that comes to mind as a comparison is summoning spirits that went wrong, like a bad nightmare that only gets worse and after which I feel like the nastiest scorpions have been bothering me all night.

And it had to be that way: all the positive wild energy that the first movie carried and that we really felt and lived those few years has long been eaten by darkness and vomited out undigested bones that hit us on the head as punishment for not leaving these areas when we should have. So this film also hits us on the head with Smoki, Motorola, A1, Nis Express, Maca from Big Brother, the scream of Seka Sablic, "comedy" by Sergej Trifunovic, Cobi's autotune BS, general nonsense, Vienna - where most of the plot is located for some weird reason. Every second of this abomination hurts, because stupid jokes don't stop, recycling of old ones doesn't stop, torture is constant and only intensifies. The story is completely pointless, no one has made a name for themselves in their roles here. I haven't seen anything good in this movie. At its peak, everything looks like a mix of Zikina dinastija and Zam parade + everyone is drunk and drugged.

There were attempts at some contact with reality, some criticism or whatever, but it's all stale and wouldn't have made sense even 20 years ago because it's extremely poorly executed. Some kids go to a chemistry competition, people carry selfie sticks, the car runs on a rope, oh man. Rakija and ajvar in travel bags, a little joke with the Prizren-Timok accent, just because. There's also that conceited character from Dnevnjak, he really doesn't belong in Munje. Or Juice, or Maca. No one else belongs in Munje, Munje are a thing of the past, they're dead now, and it would be best if no one had ever dug them out of the grave. Now they're Mulje.

I give up. I would write more, but I feel like half of my brain died by the end of the movie, the malignant cringe has penetrated my limbs and I hope I'll be able to get out of bed in the morning. I feel mentally and physically irreparably damaged.

Conclusion: Don't waste your time and money on this trash! It's much worse than the trailer and everything else you've ever seen. I recommend it only to masochists and maybe for research purposes. The authors and everyone involved should be ashamed of this abomination.
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