How much did this cost Canadian taxpayers?
27 June 2023
This 2022 ripoff of 60s and 70s spaghetti westerns has such a bad wiff of maple syrup that without looking up the production credits I'd bet my last loonie it was either made in Canada or was heavily subsidized by the Canadian Film Development Corporation.

No Name and Dynamite are two politically correct bounty hunters from Vancouver, I presume. No Name has the fake gravelly voice but he looks about as tough as a salesman at a Ford dealership. Dynamite is a somehow a Chinese guy in the Old West who speaks flawless English and isn't working a railroad or laundry somewhere along the Canadian Pacific rail line.

Lucky for these two, every Wanted guy they come across has the guile of a hamster. Nobody seems to detect that Ford Salesman and The Calgon Kid are there to kill them and collect the reward.

They try to play some of it for laughs but it just grated on my nerves.

Every actor comes across like he's, well, acting. In a stage play. I hope some SAG/AFTRA people picked up some nice paycheques for working on this dog vomit.
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